Work Experience Education
Work Experience Education (WEE) is a class offered to GSDA juniors and seniors who would like to earn credit while working a part-time job. Students who participate in WEE are allowed to work more hours per week than students who do not participate in WEE. Students may take the Work Experience Education class a maximum of 4 times.
Credit for WEE is awarded based on hours worked, and on completion of weekly assignments (Learning Activity Packets). These weekly assignments teach various job-related skills that will prepare students for future employment opportunities.
1-10 credits can be earned each semester depending on the amount of hours worked by the student.
Students must obtain a job and have a work permit prior to beginning the class. There must be someone at the work site (a boss, supervisor, etc.) who is willing to evaluate student job performance, sign necessary time cards, and communicate with the WEE coordinator.
If you are interested in taking the WEE class, please speak with your consultant prior to the beginning of the semester.