Parent Support Overview
Parent Support
GSDA is a public charter school which offers Independent Study and Homeschooling programs. The in-depth and individualized support that parents and students get from our highly educated staff allows for increased student achievement. Educational Consultants at GSDA pride themselves on developing meaningful relationships filled with encouragement and support for parents that lead to positive student outcomes.
The structure of our program allows for students and their parents to meet with our Educational Consultants once per month, bi-weekly, or weekly depending on the age of the student and his or her educational needs. These appointments are not only spent reviewing student work, but are also a perfect time for parents to bring forth any challenges or questions they may have had throughout the instructional period. Consultants are also available via email and phone regularly to answer any questions.
At GSDA, the Educational Consultants equip parents with a pacing guide for instruction in all academic areas. Students are able to demonstrate their learning through conventional ways such as quizzes, written papers, etc., or in a way that best suits the student such as through song, slideshow presentation, or demonstration. This flexibility offers parents engaging ways to teach and allows students to show off what they have learned in a way that is meaningful to them. It can truly be learning that lasts a lifetime.